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The Firm of John Dickinson Schneider, Inc. (“JDS Inc”) is an independently owned corporation based in the United States, with a group of companies worldwide that develop, manufacture and market healthcare products and services.
The roots of the company date back to 1921 when 23-year-old John Dickinson Schneider founded a small printing company in Chicago USA, known as JDS Printer Craftsman. From the very beginning, Mr. Schneider’s company was known for quality products, quality service and quality people, and he built his company on what would eventually become known as the Immutable Principles – Dignity of the Person, Service, Integrity and Stewardship.
The company’s first healthcare products were heirloom-quality birth certificates, printed for the Franklin C. Hollister Company. In 1948, Mr. Schneider purchased the name Hollister, and then, alongside his successful printing company (JDS Printer Craftsman), he launched a second business venture developing innovative medical products.
In 1956, Mr. Schneider incorporated his businesses as The Firm of John Dickinson Schneider, Inc., and in subsequent years, JDS Inc expanded its range of healthcare products and services through innovation, acquisition and partnership. With this growth and success, Mr. Schneider looked to the future. In 1977, he established a private trust, which ensured that JDS Inc would continue to be independent and employee-owned.
Today, the JDS Inc group of companies includes a range of independent businesses that operate under various names globally. The company’s medical product development and manufacturing businesses are grouped under Hollister Incorporated. The company’s home healthcare businesses and delivery of products to consumers are grouped under KMT Medical. These companies are controlled by a private trust that reflects the principles originally developed by John Dickinson Schneider, and they share the mission and vision of their parent company, The Firm of John Dickinson Schneider, Inc.
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