Mathot Medische Speciaalzaken is a brand-independent supplier of medical devices; with branches, measurement, and consultation locations throughout the country. Mathot has been around since 1897 and has an extensive range of medical devices.
From our headquarters in Haarlem and various branches throughout the country, we supply specialized products for ostomy , continence, and wound care throughout the Netherlands.
The Power of Mathot
As a family business, Mathot has the intrinsic attitude of being a dedicated caregiver who is not above you, but beside you.
Because of our dedication, we are able to offer you the best suited solution at the desired time. Our aim is to make your situation more carefree and increase your independence.
In the care process, Mathot is the connecting factor between all parties involved. You need care and your insurer, healthcare institution, referring physician, manufacturer and patient association also play a role in this. We are convinced that thanks to this connection we can provide you with better (individual) care.